TCTV Live Shows

These live 15 minute ‘Around The Table Shows’ are all packed with great advice about how to navigate the online world - with experts, parents and children - unmissable!

Live Films

Top Tips

Friends Like Me

Friends Like Me is a documentary project that features interviews with children and adolescents who share their experiences of what it is like to grow up in complex online communities using social media. Over the last five years, I have been interviewing and re-interviewing children as they grow into adults to see how their views and experiences change over time. These young voices often challenge the stereotypes of illiterate, naive, screen addicts and, instead, offer us a glimpse into the lives of a generation who are growing up deeply, emotionally invested in media as a form of self-expression and engagement.

It's Emotional

Stigmatising a Generation

Mentors & Inspiration

Body Image

Porn, Tropes & Culture

Becoming Me

Becoming Me is one of the most important lessons in life. It is about our journeys, our aspirations, about the recognition that there are no straight lines, about getting things right and wrong, about the ability to learn, and about who we grow into.

And it is about starting from a very young age; the earlier the opportunity, the more there is to gain and achieve! Ask not what you want to do when you grow up; instead ask who you want to become. It is a better question, about values, and with better answers.
